Open-source Education and Knowledge Liquidity

Open-source Education and Knowledge Liquidity

The liver’s ability to metabolize (biotransformation) pharmaceuticals can only bear the costs for so long before the organ begins to degrade. Similarly, finance can only take up so much of an economy before the “services” grow redundant and self-defeating. The real value in cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum’s Ether currency, isn’t in the currency mechanism itself, but in the opportunities [...]

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Functional Units

Functional Units

Functional units exist throughout the natural world. Atoms and molecules are functional units in the realm of chemistry, where they’re traded in themes called functional groups. The brain (a complex physiological organ) trades and builds in the functional units of neurons (nerve cells), in much the same way that stem cells “resolve” onto a development path of differentiated mature cells. [...]

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Education catalyzes innovation. Innovation is the most influential contributor to paths of survival: education is concomitantly society’s widest most persistent social [...] the sharing of OERs; this sharing was enabled by the open-sourcing capabilities[...] / Open-Source Exploitation: Again, the traditional approaches to exploiting open-source resources — educational as well as, [...]

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