Tenet: Altruistic Self-interest
Tenets, Visioning ParkHealth Tenets, Visioning ParkHealth

Tenet: Altruistic Self-interest

Tenets are beliefs and assumptions that are processed (synthesized, atomized) into durable sciences and technologies. The relevant economic tenet that drives us to increase knowledge liquidity is altruistic self-interest: self-preservation through the investment in other selves. Broadly, a byproduct of complex systems (society) is that no subsystem or component will independently produce [...]

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Visioning, Missions ParkHealth Visioning, Missions ParkHealth


ParkHealth is a nonprofit startup. ParkHealth’s general purpose is to synthesize knowledge, then transfer knowledge as widely as possible (impact). This general purpose is summed in the startup’s mission to learn, then teach widely. To increase knowledge synthesis, an initial open-source resource, the open-source educational resource is utilized as a breeding ground for metascience about [...]

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Team, Founding, Visioning ParkHealth Team, Founding, Visioning ParkHealth


Joe has tinkered with cryptocurrency for over a decade. In 2010, Joe developed add-ons for accounting software that enabled multi-currency accommodations for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, which was used in call center organizations that consisted of small offices (less than 50 seats) but were distributed across disparate jurisdictions (Philippine Peso, US Dollar, etc.). Enthusiastic [...]

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